THE ELIAS STORY by Bro. Tony Heredia

“…ordained You…Go…Bear Fruit… that will Remain (Disciples) John 15:16

It’s one thing to witness or lead someone to receive Christ as the only sufficient Savior, it’s another to follow this new convert to mature in the Light and he leads others to Jesus.  This is Discipleship JESUS Way!


Some years ago, God opened doors in different towns, villages, and states in Mexico. During our Revival Fires Church Crusades, Elias came to the altar and gave his life to Christ Jesus. Sometime later, circuit-riding our church’s network in Colonia Guerrero, Baja Calif. Mexico, Elias asks me to baptize in the ocean. The church gathered in the ocean. I baptized Elias in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We followed by a good church celebration.


Later visiting Elias in the church, he and Rosalba (whose whole family also came to Christ through our ministries) …asked Me To Marry Them.  We had a glorious wedding.  I use very flowery Christian Latino traditional Biblical “props” during the wedding ceremony.  This with the freedom to witness the Gospel of Christ in the ceremony.


The Omega courses.

For two years, Elias being a schoolteacher, using his talents, has been my main Bible Teacher for the OMEGA course. The Omega course is a two-year complete study on Mentorship, Discipleship, Church Planting, church organization, and strategies for future church planting.


The picture is our first graduates with an Omega Certificate. This was a super exciting celebration with our church ladies’ delicious dinners.


Yes, the challenge is a fervent witness, lead souls to Jesus, and one more step, disciple. Follow up to lead them from a decision to a convert. From a convert to a disciple who will win others to Christ and him disciple others. This is Jesus’ way of soul winning and soul training. John 15:16 and Matthew 4: 19


Bro. Tony & Margaret Heredia Eph. 3:19,20
“ Missions in Your Heart” with Christians in Action Missions Int.