Top student in the country was one of ours

Top student in the country was one of ours.

It feels good to connect with you again, as we share what our Lord is doing in Freetown, Sierra Leone.  We hope you and your family are doing great by God’s grace.  You have been in our prayers, and we know you are praying for us too.The rainy season, which has brought us some relief from the heat and the dust is over, and the heat is back with a bang. Nonetheless we are hanging in there.

Soul Winning Seminar

Our churches have not held a Soul Winning Seminar for over a decade now, and we were so happy to be able to do so at this point in time.  A lot of our school and college church members were involved, as they were on school break.  Daphne and I traveled to one of the provincial towns to teach one of the classes.

Witnessing for Christ is one of two things Christians in Action is well known for in Sierra Leone, so it was a real joy to be able to revive this.  With the exception of the Kono church which rescheduled for January next year, we had a total of 942 souls who accepted Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior and Lord.  Reports and testimonies received, are very encouraging, there is an urgency and excitement on the part of some church members who have not evangelized in a long time, and have now made it a regular weekly activity.  There is also a corresponding increase in church growth.  These new converts will be discipled, and by God’s grace become remaining and reproducing fruit in the body of Christ.  We thank God for the great and amazing work He is doing in Sierra Leone!!

Christmas camp

December is the time of year when we organize Christmas camp for our children, during the Christmas break.  This year, we are planning for 300 kids, which will give them the opportunity to get to know kids from the other churches, make friends and enjoy a wonderful time together.  Please help us make this happen by giving financially and praying for everyone involved.

Mission schools

CinASL has five (5) schools in the country, and I spent some time visiting them.  The situation is dire as these school are facing a lot of challenges: – teachers are not adequately paid, because there are not enough kids enrolled in our schools, as parents can’t afford to send their kids to our schools.  These parents want the best of education for their offspring, but sadly cannot get it.  The Government run schools are overcrowded with some unqualified teachers, and not much learning. There is a need for school materials: – textbooks, notebooks, writing kits, etc., furniture, as desks and chairs are broken after years of much use. Since the post Ebola period, things have changed considerably for the worse, and the government subsidy on fees will end soon.


The story is not all a bleak one, as the majority of these kids are eager to learn and are appreciative of any knowledge that is imparted to them, even though their environment is not conducive to learning.  In the last year exam to enter middle school, the top student in the whole country was one of ours.

One or two schools are in need of an administrator to set things in order.  We also need professionals to help do refresher courses for our teachers.

 Please pray for:

  • the momentum for evangelism that it will continue
  • the Christmas camp for kids & the organizers
  • our schools – more students to enroll, supplies needed
  • the cost of living in Sierra Leone; the government will soon be introducing austerity measures that will be harder on the average person, which will result in greater suffering

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Together with Him,
Issa & Daphne Kargbo