Miguel and Linda Toledo – Guatemala
TOLEDO Newsletter May 2017 Christians in Action – Central America
More than 20 beds made. Menus for meals and coffee breaks for three days planned. A face-lift to the premises with a fresh coat of paint also lifted anticipation for the event. Excitement built as delegates from Honduras, El Salvador and the outlying areas of Guatemala confirmed their attendance. The first day of the three day Pastoral Seminar saw more than 41 attendees present.
Brother Denis Cobar, a graduate from Seminary in Honduras was our speaker. He is a bilingual worker, having lived and also prepared in ministry in the United States. The teaching on preserving the pure doctrine of the gospel really flowed as there was no need for an interpreter. Even so, the Caribbean accent and occasional distinction in territorial vocabulary added flavor to the delivery. Our appreciation for staying true to the simplicity of, yet astonishing message of the good news, was nailed!
Dr. Arreaga who has accompanied us during medical clinics in Guatemala and Colombia. He has a clinic near our mission headquarters and shared in a session with the pastors about the importance of the minister caring for his body, the temple of the Lord. He touched on areas like how a preacher should care for his voice; reasons and remedies of improper sleep; eating habits and of course, exercise.
Earlier this month I caught the following statement on the news made by Rep Ed Royce on Foreign Affairs Committee regarding sanctions of North Korea: “If we shut down their funding they cannot go forward with their program.” I thought, “how true that is also of our projects on the mission field”. I know we have seen MIRACLES even after our project is, BY FAITH, on the wheels and rolling. But we want to give you the opportunity to help us keep Pastoral Seminars a priority to reach out to the 72 pastors, workers, and wives that Miguel and I feel responsible for in Central America. If you are able and feel led in your heart to give, know that you are making an INCREDIBLE impact in missions here in Guatemala. Miguel & Linda